Dear Recycle Lady

Dear Recycle Lady

This column relates to recycling policies, procedures, tips, tricks and more for recycling programs in Greenbrier County, WV. Other programs and facilities in other locales may operate based on different approaches. Also please be advised, the market and technologies are ever evolving, and all information posted here is subject to change. Keep up the Good Fight! Going Green, Works!

Dear User of Baggies,

The good news is, yes, sandwich bags can be recycled. This includes Ziploc, Hefty, and other comparable bags. Most plastic bags are recyclable, including grocery bags, bread bags, cleaning bags and the sleeves that newspaper come in. Just be sure they are clean and dry before taking them to the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart, not the Recycling Center as they do not have the capacity to recycle them.

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Dear Recycler,

Good question. Yes, the drip pans are recyclable. Be sure they are clean and free of grease and oils. You will need to take them to the Recycling Center during operation hours as they go in a box with metal containers. In fact, anything that a magnet sticks to and is not a can is put in this box.

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Dear Most Curious,

Yes, there are several excellent websites that give information about recycling. is one of my favorite sites. It has a great search feature that will answer most any question that you have. The websites and are two other good sites. There are two local websites, Greenworks Recycling and Greenbrier County Solid Waste Authority that have recycling information as well as past Dear Recycle Lady columns. Hopefully, you will find these sites interesting and full of useful information.

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Dear Long-Time Recycler,

Yes, propane cylinders can be recycled, but not with steel cans. You will need to take them to the Recycling Center’s drop-off area. It’s located on the small road just to the right of the Recycle Office. There is a sign on the building that says, “Aluminum cans deposit.” One of the workers will be there to receive the cylinder.

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Dear Just Curious,

Most of the time the answer to your question is yes.  As long as you do not have an excessive amount of glue on paper and poster board, you can recycle them with paper. However, if the glued item is on waxy-feeling paper, it can’t be recycled.

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Dear Separator,

No, #1 and #2 plastics do not need to be put in separate bags for curbside pick-up. They can be put in the same bag. If you decide to take them to the Recycling Center, #1 plastics go in the bin labeled #1 plastics, #2 plastics that are clear (can be easily seen through and are not colored) go in the bin labeled #2 clear plastics and #2 colored plastics go in the bin labeled #2 colored plastics

Tags: #1, #2, plastics
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Dear Shopper,

Yes, you need to remove all receipts or any kind of paper from the bag before recycling it. Paper causes problems for plastic film recyclers. If there is a paper label on your plastic bag or wraps, remove it before recycling. Plastic labels on plastic film are okay. As with all recyclable items, plastic bags, wraps and films must be clean and dry before recycling. However, you do not need to rinse and dry out the bags before recycling them.

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Dear Prefers Paper,

Yes, the Recycling Center in Ronceverte accepts these bags. Brown paper bags are recycled with cardboard. White paper bags are recycled with white/office paper. Plastic bags can be put in the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart. Have you considered taking your own bags when shopping, especially at the grocery store? Many sizes and shapes are available that are environmentally friendly. It takes a while to get into the habit of taking your own bags, but it is worth the effort.

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Dear Prefers Paper,

Yes, the Recycling Center in Ronceverte accepts these bags. Brown paper bags are recycled with cardboard. White paper bags are recycled with white paper. Plastic bags can be put in the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart. Have you considered taking your own bags when shopping, especially at the grocery store? Many sizes and shapes are available that are environmentally friendly. It takes a while to get into the habit of taking your own bags, but it is worth the effort.

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Dear Reader,

Good question. Yes, the Recycle Center does accept submersible well pumps. When you take the pump to the Center, follow the sign for recycling aluminum cans. There will be someone there to help you unload the pump.

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Dear Recycler,

The Recycling Center accepts used ink jet printer cartridges for recycling, but does not pay for them. There are, however, several businesses, for example Staples, that will give you credit on purchases when you bring in the used cartridges.

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Dear Foiled in Lewisburg,

No, aluminum foil doesn’t go with aluminum cans, but goes in a separate bag/bin with pie pans. Don’t be fooled by the “fake” aluminum bags inside a cracker or chip box or bag. It appears to be aluminum on one side, but it isn’t. Test it. If you crumble up a piece of aluminum, it will stay in a ball. If it isn’t, it unwraps itself. According to, “aluminum is one of the highest-value materials you can recycle and can be reprocessed into new aluminum in only 60 days. Although nearly 75 percent of aluminum produced in the U.S. is still being used, Americans dispose of enough aluminum foil each year to annually build an entire aircraft fleet.” Aluminum foil is 100% recyclable, so please take the time to clean it, put it in a separate bag and send it to be recycled.

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Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.