Dear Recycle Lady

Dear Recycle Lady

This column relates to recycling policies, procedures, tips, tricks and more for recycling programs in Greenbrier County, WV. Other programs and facilities in other locales may operate based on different approaches. Also please be advised, the market and technologies are ever evolving, and all information posted here is subject to change. Keep up the Good Fight! Going Green, Works!

Dear User of Baggies,

The good news is, yes, sandwich bags can be recycled. This includes Ziploc, Hefty, and other comparable bags. Most plastic bags are recyclable, including grocery bags, bread bags, cleaning bags and the sleeves that newspaper come in. Just be sure they are clean and dry before taking them to the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart, not the Recycling Center as they do not have the capacity to recycle them.

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Dear Shopper,

Yes, you need to remove all receipts or any kind of paper from the bag before recycling it. Paper causes problems for plastic film recyclers. If there is a paper label on your plastic bag or wraps, remove it before recycling. Plastic labels on plastic film are okay. As with all recyclable items, plastic bags, wraps and films must be clean and dry before recycling. However, you do not need to rinse and dry out the bags before recycling them.

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Dear Prefers Paper,

Yes, the Recycling Center in Ronceverte accepts these bags. Brown paper bags are recycled with cardboard. White paper bags are recycled with white/office paper. Plastic bags can be put in the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart. Have you considered taking your own bags when shopping, especially at the grocery store? Many sizes and shapes are available that are environmentally friendly. It takes a while to get into the habit of taking your own bags, but it is worth the effort.

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Dear Prefers Paper,

Yes, the Recycling Center in Ronceverte accepts these bags. Brown paper bags are recycled with cardboard. White paper bags are recycled with white paper. Plastic bags can be put in the recycling bins at Kroger or Walmart. Have you considered taking your own bags when shopping, especially at the grocery store? Many sizes and shapes are available that are environmentally friendly. It takes a while to get into the habit of taking your own bags, but it is worth the effort.

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Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.